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Weight Sensors

Современные технологии датчиков электронных весов

Modern Technologies of Sensors of Electronic Scales

The development of technology has not been in vain: the time of mechanical scales has passed - they have been replaced by electronic scales. Recently, a variety of weight measurement systems have appeared that satisfy any needs of the consumer. The principle of operation of electronic scales is simple - the weight of the load acts on a sensor (electric strain converter), which converts the deformation into an electrical signal, which can then be processed by any means - from an analog scale to a weight controller or computer. In electronic scales, the use of three types of sensors is currently most widespread.

Types of Electronic Scale Sensors

Load Cell Scales

The strain gauge method is based on changing the resistance of strain gauges (strain gauges connected in a bridge circuit) located on the elastic element of the balance. When the elastic element is deformed, the resistance of the strain gauges changes, which, in turn, changes the voltage in the measuring circuit.

Vibration Frequency Sensors of Scales

The vibrofrequency method works on the principle of changing the resonant frequency of a stretched metal string connected to the elastic element of the balance, depending on the force applied to the elastic element. The impact of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, vibration on the frequency of the sensor, as well as the complexity of the sensors in manufacturing, complicates their use and operation.

Piezoquartz Weighing Sensors

Piezoquartz sensors work by changing the resonant frequency of the quartz crystal associated with the elastic element of the balance, when exposed to the weight of the head. Unfortunately, quartz crystals can change their parameters under the influence of the environment, which makes it difficult to use piezoelectric sensors in industry.

Load Cells are the Best Choice!

Based on the foregoing, the most effective is the use of load cells as converters in electronic scales. Strain gauge sensors are of high quality, due to modern technologies, ease of manufacture, which does not require complex technological equipment. Also, the sensors have a low cost with high technical characteristics, which are stable throughout the life of the sensor. Currently, the main manufacturers of scales and weighing equipment use strain gauges in their products.