Metal Grid
Metal mesh is used in many industries, construction and agriculture. The mesh differs in manufacturing technology and purpose - the mesh can be welded, woven, etc. To protect against aggressive environments or the influence of the atmosphere, the mesh can have a protective coating of PVC plastic or be galvanized. The size and shape of the metal mesh cells may vary depending on the type of mesh and its purpose.
Chain-Llink Mesh
Chain-link mesh is made by weaving steel wire and has high tensile strength. To protect against corrosion, the metal mesh chain-link is covered with a layer of plastic (plasticized mesh netting) or galvanized. Depending on the purpose, the chain-link mesh is made of wire of various diameters and with different mesh sizes. Chain-link mesh is used for the manufacture of translucent fences and hedges, cages, aviaries and pens, as well as for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures, plaster, etc.
Mesh Masonry
Welded masonry mesh is used during construction work as a reinforcing element of a plaster layer, for reliable adhesion of brickwork in multi-storey construction, for the manufacture of frames and reinforcement of concrete structures, and much more. Welded masonry mesh has a long service life and is easy to use during installation and construction.