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Potato Casserole

Potato Casserole Recipe

Potato Casserole Recipe

Potato casserole is a simple and delicious dish; the potato casserole recipe is very easy to cook. In order to cook a potato casserole, you do not need many ingredients, its recipe includes simple products - potatoes, onions, butter, milk, eggs and salt. Potato casserole is cooked very quickly, and its taste will pleasantly surprise you.

Ingredients for Potato Casserole Recipe

  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Butter - 3 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt

Recipe for Cooking Potato Casserole

Potato casserole is cooked according to a simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients. Potatoes need to be peeled, washed and boiled in salted water. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, cover the potatoes and put on a slow fire to dry. Rub hot potatoes for casseroles through a sieve or mash with a wooden pestle, add hot milk, raw egg, salt, melted butter and mix well. Peel, wash, finely chop the onion and fry in oil.

Mashed potatoes should be divided into two parts, one part put in an even layer on a greased pan, leveled, put a layer of fried onions on top and cover with a layer of the remaining potatoes. Then grease the potatoes with sour cream or sprinkle with oil and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes. You can serve sour cream, mushroom or milk sauce to the finished potato casserole. Simple, tasty, healthy - and all this is a potato casserole!