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What Kind of Barbed Wire Do You Need?

Barbed wire as property protection

Barbed Wire as Property Protection

The desire to protect one's property is an absolutely normal and legal right of any person, and barbed wire is one of the solutions to do this. But desire alone is not enough - in order to consciously choose this means of protection, you need to have at least minimal knowledge about what types of barbed wire exist and for what purposes they are used. And it is necessary to immediately clarify that we are not talking about barbed wire as such, but about products made from modern barbed wire - various types of razor-cutting barriers made of reinforced barbed tape or Egoza razor wire.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Egoza Razor Wire

The main factors influencing the choice of the type of Egoza razor wire and concertina wire fence are the following - the object itself that needs to be protected, the level of security that engineering fences should provide and the finances that are planned to be spent on creating an engineering perimeter protection system. In addition, there are many other factors that can in one way or another influence the choice of the type of razor wire fence for the protection of a particular object - the presence and degree of equipment of security, electronic systems - video surveillance, alarms, access control, as well as many other circumstances.

Egoza Razor Wire and Perimeter Protection Systems

For this reason, it is not possible to simply recommend the cheapest version of razor wire for fencing a private house, and the most expensive and reliable for the perimeter of a nuclear power plant, since the effectiveness of protecting an object does not depend on the height of the fence or the thickness of the razor wire, but on a set of measures taken to security in general. The choice of the type of barrier can be significantly influenced by the geographical location of the object, its proximity to other objects, structures and territories, the terrain along which the perimeter will pass, possible threats to the security of the object and their direction - whether it is necessary to protect the object from penetration from the outside or prevent theft of property from its territory.

Selection of Egoza Razor Wire - Work for Specialists

A huge number of factors influencing the choice of razor wire or concertina wire barriers do not allow us to give simple recommendations for their choice, but lead to the following - to design a modern highly efficient engineering perimeter protection system, it is necessary to have the maximum amount of information about the protected object, and then, that the analysis of these factors should be carried out not by the buyer of razor wire, but by a specialist in the creation of engineering systems for protecting the perimeter. Only in this case it is possible to take into account the maximum number of conditions for the optimal choice of the type of barbed wire or fence for installation on a specific object.