The location in large cities of many enterprises, industrial complexes, entertainment facilities, implies the presence of various security measures and pass control. ACS is the decision of the admission control department. The access control and management system has become a solution to many problems associated with admission to the facility. The control and access system is primarily a security system. It is a complex of electrical devices, power sources, which are connected into a single system.
Like any other security system, ACS requires certain conditions of service, has certain requirements for operation. The access control and management system has many electronic devices, terminal or communication. Carrying out various work involving work with the system must be carried out by a competent employee of the security company. Also, to carry out such work must have an appropriate permit or license. Since the ACS is responsible for direct access to the object or to a separate area of the object, the installer must have a set of relevant documents that confirm the permission to work with such objects. The availability of documents, first of all, is a guarantee of security for a person who applied to the service department for security systems. As a rule, the installer may be an engineer with the appropriate education.
The main areas of ACS maintenance can be warranty and post-warranty maintenance, service work, system upgrades. The provision of warranty service is concluded in the relevant act. One of the important rules of the warranty act is the designation of replacement parts. Such elements in case of failure will be replaced at the expense of the customer, others at the expense of the installer's company. A mandatory condition in the warranty contract is the provision by the security company of inspection of the entire operation of the system during the warranty period. The installer's firm should carry out such an inspection once a month. Other cases are discussed as an exception.
The general list of responsibilities, both for warranty and post-warranty service, is approximately the same. First, setting up and controlling the operation of the software. Secondly, cleaning all elements from the accumulation of dirt. Thirdly, work with access identifiers. This stage requires a high level of secrecy. The fourth stage of maintenance is the most common. Preventive inspection, final adjustment of the operation of various stages of the system.
The provision of post-warranty service involves a system of payment for various types of work provided by a security company. If we consider the whole process of carrying out service work in more detail, it will contain several additional items. The representative of the service company - an engineer, first of all, conducts a visual inspection of both the system as a whole and its individual elements. Already existing defects are entered into a special sheet. The next step is to identify opportunities that will increase the lifetime of the system. The most obvious example is a software update. The next stage in the work of an engineer is the analysis of the operation of the event log. Here, examples of false positives can be identified, as well as other problems that need to be eliminated or taken into account. The location of the control and access system in aggressive production conditions or climatic influences should also be identified by the engineer and minimized. The last step is analytical. Here, the service company engineer provides possible prospects for improving the system, or ways to solve existing problems.
The process of developing an ACS project or intervening in an existing project also implies certain conditions, primarily the availability of relevant documentation and licenses. The lack of the required level of competence or license from the employee performing the upgrade can lead to a number of problems. The most important problem may be the violation of secrecy conditions, which will entail serious property losses. On the other hand, the engineer's ignorance of the ACS market trends may lead to additional expenses for equipment. Competent engineer, best suited to the need for price-quality ratio. The end result of the system should be an estimate of the cost of work and equipment.
A separate interest for consumers of security systems may be the integration of various security systems into a single whole. The competence of engineers is the integration of ACS with other security systems. The main areas in which ACS is integrated are burglar or fire alarms, video surveillance systems. Integration into the fire safety system should require an increased level of knowledge from a specialist. The meanings of integrating the control and access system into the fire alarm mechanism - emergency. In the event of a fire, the ACS will unlock existing obstacles - turnstiles, doors, etc. The integration of ACS into a burglar alarm system is useful because in this case, it is possible not only to block access to intruders to the facility, but at the same time notify about unwanted penetration. Integration into the video surveillance system will allow for additional conditions for access control. So, the joint system can recognize the numbers of cars or faces of employees and allow or deny access.
Modernization of ACS is a necessary condition. The development of technology does not stand still, security systems are no exception. Any modernization of ACS - increasing the level of secrecy, providing additional levels of protection. The skills to maintain modernized access control systems require the same knowledge from an engineer as a programmer. ACS, like many modern systems, is controlled by a computer. A common type of maintenance is installing and reinstalling software. Another type of upgrade provided by service firms is the transition to more advanced identifiers. So, if earlier a key, a card was required to pass the ACS, today the ACS systems are switching to more advanced scanning elements - the retina, a fingerprint. Maintenance of such systems requires a more skilled approach than systems with other types of identifiers.
Maintenance of ACS is an important range of security services. The formation of new enterprises, the formation of new complexes, as a rule, is equipped with an access control and management system. Maintenance work should be carried out by a person with the qualifications of an engineer and programmer. Maintaining documentation in the process of servicing the ACS is an important indicator of the level of the employee and the service company. Documentation is not limited to internal documents of both enterprises. Maintenance of the control and access system requires compliance with the law.