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Alarm Maintenance

High-quality maintenance of the alarm

Alarms are one of the main, time-tested types of security systems, high-quality maintenance of the alarm is essential. Different types of alarms are designed for different situations and conditions. The most common type of alarm is fire alarm. However, there are other alarms equipped with sensors with different types of response. Installation of alarm systems is possible both in small-sized residential or non-residential premises, and in large industrial or public buildings. Installed and working alarm system requires timely technical service. Carrying out work related to maintenance is a necessity for even the most reliable alarm systems that use road branded equipment.

As for the provision of alarm maintenance services, it is better to order them from the company that developed the project and performed the installation. It is advisable to use the services of one company in terms of equipment supply, project development and installation. In this case, the company provides a guarantee for both installation work and the equipment itself. The warranty period for security systems is approximately one year. In case of equipment malfunction, incorrect operation, the company carries out the necessary correction of the system at its own expense. However, this is permissible if it is proved that the breakdown or incorrect operation occurred due to a factory defect or the work of installers. Also during the period of warranty service, employees of the company are required to provide various consultations, work with personnel on the operation of security equipment. Otherwise, the personnel may neglect the operation of the alarm. In other cases, the result of such negligence may be significant losses for the owner of the object.

After the warranty period expires, maintenance becomes paid. Breakage prevention is a condition for preserving property. The absence of false calls and other consequences of incorrect system operation can be solved through service maintenance. In the case of a fixed test of the alarm system, it is possible to conclude a contract with the installers for regular inspection of the system. The procedure for performing a regular inspection has its own stages. The first stage of checking the security system is to inspect the system. At this stage, the technician visually inspects the system for damage or preconditions for damage. Next, the "electronic intelligence" of the system is tested - software or controller. The next step will be to adjust the work of both the overall system and its individual parts. This may include setting up the operation of sensors, annunciators, etc. Cleaning various connections and technical assemblies from dirt is the next step in the list of work of a technical officer. It is necessary to carry out such work constantly, especially if the alarm is located in the aggressive environment of the street or production, which creates a large amount of dust. Ensuring the power supply of the alarm system is a component without which the operation of the system is impossible. For this reason, the next step is to check the power supplies, if the system is powered by batteries or batteries, check the degree of charge. The last stage is inspection and repair work on various connectors. Of course, it is the responsibility of the repair team representative to provide any system specifications requested by the customer.

The stages of routine maintenance are not a complete list of the studies that a security system should be subjected to. The tasks that a service company must provide that are necessary for the owner of the facility are much broader. The main task, which is envisaged in the process of carrying out service work by the company, is the appointment of equipment and its compliance with its goals. For this factor, the service company performs a check of the equipment's operability. The proof of the correct operation of the system should be the fulfillment of the relevant requirements. So, for example, an alarm equipped with a sensor that reacts to the sound of breaking glass must respond appropriately to the sound of broken glass.

The next task of a security company is to prevent all kinds of breakdowns. Here, mainly, the company is faced with the task of preventing breakage at the place of possible occurrence. This includes all measures aimed at cleaning the alarm elements from dirt, additional lubrication or soldering of individual elements of the system.
Other points related to improving the quality of the system are testing the system as a single mechanism. Installing updated, more advanced hardware, software and testing the system along with it. It should be noted that warranty service is provided for a certain type of equipment from the moment of its installation.

Alarm maintenance occupies a wide area in the provision of services. The conclusion of contracts with the company for installation and installation should be based on the competence of employees. An ideal solution when equipment supply, design, installation, warranty, post-warranty service is performed by one company. However, in case of customer dissatisfaction in the early stages of alarm installation, it is possible to conclude a contract with another service company.